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Announcement that IWIinvestor and MyFiduciary are joining forces

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Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa i te toa takitini.

We are excited to announce that IWIinvestor and MyFiduciary are joining forces.

Our two companies have worked closely together for many years. IWIinvestor has delivered investment advice and day-to-day portfolio implementation and management to its many Iwi clients.  Meanwhile, MyFiduciary has provided the core investment research and due diligence that has resulted in high-performing investment solutions for clients. 

We are now making this relationship tighter and more formal, for the benefit of all our clients.

Tupu Angitu, the commercial arm of Lake Taupō Forest Trust, has become a 25% shareholder of MyFiduciary. At the same time, MyFiduciary is now the 100% owner of IWIinvestor.

The mission of the combined companies is to help our clients create well-being and prosperity that lasts for generations. 

Our advice will remain based on the importance of long-term planning and investment strategies that can benefit current and future generations. We remain focussed on helping our clients achieve their financial and non-financial goals by promoting sound investment governance, providing expert investment support and solutions, and openly sharing our knowledge. Administration of your portfolios is in motion to move to the Adminis custody platform this quarter.

From your point of view, it is business as usual, as you will continue to be supported by the same people. However, over the next 6 months you may see some changes with a new name to reflect our mahi tahi.

We are very excited to be entering into this partnership. We are certain that through this alliance we can deliver ever-improving service to you.

Mā te mahitahi, mā te manawanui, mā te aroha, ka taea e tatou.

Ngā mihi nui mō tō tautoko.


Announcement that IWIinvestor and MyFiduciary are joining forces

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