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IWIinvestor's approach to Investment

We protect and grow the wealth of our clients 

Pou Tiaki i Ngā Rawa

IWIinvestor is committed to being New Zealand’s leading Māori-owned investment and financial advisory service. To that end, we seek to be a trusted partner who delivers quality investment outcomes for our clients.

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As a Financial Advice Provider, IWIinvestor provides the means for its clients to grow their wealth by accessing appropriate investment opportunities cost-effectively.

This is achieved by providing investment advice and portfolio management.

IWIinvestor’s approach is to provide its clients with low cost, independent, socially responsible and highly diversified portfolios that acknowledge the client’s risk profile.

IWIinvestor has seven multi-asset class portfolios ranging from low to high risk. This comprehensive range of portfolios enables clients of varying risk profiles to access portfolios that best match their appetite to risk. All investments are held in managed funds, there are no direct securities in the portfolios.

IWIinvestor Services

IWIinvestor provides its clients who are predominantly individuals, charitable trusts, Māori entities and investment organisations with a comprehensive range of services,.

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Services include:

Financial Advice only

Development of your investment plan.

Ongoing Financial Advice and Portfolio Management

Recommend investments for your portfolio & ongoing monitoring and reporting on these investments.

Portfolio Administration

Implementing your portfolio in accordance with your investment instructions, ongoing monitoring and reporting on these investments.

Investment Policy Statement development

Working with you to develop an Investment Policy Statement documenting your investment policies and setting out the investment governance and management framework. Read more

Cash Management Service

IWIinvestor’s Cash Management Service allows investors to access wholesale interest rates and money market securities. Doing so enables you to receive higher returns at low-risk levels, and for low cost.
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Investing with IWIinvestor - How it works

Investing can be a bit daunting but IWIinvestor makes it easier to achieve your goals with confidence. Whether you are a Trustee or Whānau member wanting to make the best decisions for your Trust or family, we are here every step of the way to help you through the process. This is how it works:

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Initial meeting to discuss your investment needs and to determine which of our services would be best for you. We establish your goals and how much risk you want or need to take.


Gather Information

There may be more meetings with you or your board to gather your attitude towards risk, your financial situation and other data needed to produce our recommendations.



We look at a variety of factors to determine the best investment strategy to meet your goals such as your timeframe, your goals and your risk profile.



We will present our recommendations which will include how to invest, which funds to invest in, and our forecasts for the outcome of your portfolio.



We implement our recommendations by creating an online investment account, you deposit your funds, and we buy the recommended investments.



You receive regular reports, and we review your portfolio regularly. We monitor the performance of all aspects of your investment continuously.



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