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About IWIinvestor

We protect and grow the wealth of clients

Pou Tiaki i Ngā Rawa


Ko te waka o IWIinvestor tēnei e tuku mihi ki a koutou
kua mau ringa ki te hoe.

I tēra ka tere whakamua tātou kia tau tika ngā wawata
kei roto i a tātou katoa.

No reira ngā mihi nui.

Greetings from the IWIinvestor waka to all who have placed their confidence in us.

It is without doubt we will progress forward to achieve the desired goals we all seek.

Therefore, greetings to all.


Te tangata tiro kau noaiho ki te tihi

Ka kore e pikautia.

Te tangata tū pakari ki ōna hiahia

Ka tū tiketike ki runga.

A person who is casual in their approach

Will never reach great heights.

They who strive to succeed

Will be rewarded for their efforts.

Our clients are whānau, hapū, Trusts, IWI and other Māori entities.  We give investment advice to retail investors and provide portfolio administration services to wholesale investors.  Our approach is to provide low cost, independent, socially responsible and highly diversified investment portfolios. We meet the needs of our clients across all types of risk profiles from cash, and lower risk defensive investments through to shares and higher risk growth investments.


Why IWIinvestor?

Investing can be a bit daunting. Having the right partners by your side can be essential to help you achieve your goals and feel confident. Whether you are a Trustee or Whānau member wanting to make the best decisions for your Trust or family, we are here every step of the way to help you through the process.

Here’s where we can help you:

  • We offer independent investment advice – our qualified and experienced investment advisers give you advice that’s in your best interest as we don’t sell any of our own products. Meet the team here.
  • We have an extensive range of model investment portfolios that suit most situations – from lower-risk cash-based investments, through to higher risk growth investments, we have a portfolio to suit everyone. For more information see our models here.
  • We have extensive experience over many years with individuals, Trusts, Charitable Trusts, Māori entities and other investment organisations so we have a good understanding of your requirements
  • Our portfolios follow our Responsible Investment guidelines – something which we take very seriously and are constantly under review. View here
  • We have a low cost and transparent fee structure compared to our peers.
  • We can provide you with access to investment governance training should you need to understand the investment process in more detail.


Our Philosophy and Values

Rich relationships and sound economic platforms provide the foundations to strong Māori communities, delivering long-term benefits to social and cultural well-being as well as environmental outcomes. READ MORE


Whether you are an experienced Trustee or new to investing, please contact us for more information.









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